We've moved to our new building!
Get to know The Well
We have a big vision for North Swindon, and we're excited to be part of what God is doing in this area.
Since Pattern Church launched in December 2018 there has always been a plan to start ('plant') other new churches in Swindon. The Well is the first one and we're so happy to be in North Swindon. Our team live here and we want to see every person thriving.
We launched in September 2021, starting with an upbeat contemporary service on Sundays and The Alpha Course. Then we launched our toddler group and Crosslight debt advice. Over time we hope to grow a whole range of stuff.
We want to offer times for worship, mid-week programmes which serve and help the community, and we'll also provide ways for people to explore faith for themselves.
If you've never been to church before then we're here for you.
We want to worship Jesus and build community in North Swindon and everyone is welcome.

Meet our team
Paul Freeland
Church Leader

Gill Snowden
Children's Pastor

Becki Martin
Youth Pastor

The story behind our name
The name of our church comes from an encounter Jesus has with a woman at a well. It's in the Bible, in John chapter 4. This painting is an artist's take on it.

Jesus made a habit of choosing and spending time with the most unlikely people, and this occasion was no different. It's clear that the woman has had a really tough life, and as a result, she feels excluded from the wider community. Jesus sees her, reaches out across cultural barriers, restores her dignity and shares the good news with her.
This woman's life is changed by Jesus and she tells everyone she meets about him. They then meet Jesus for themselves and come to realise that Jesus is "the Saviour of the world". It's wonderful stuff.
It seems to us, as we start our new church, that today Jesus still wants to meet all sorts of people, from all sorts of backgrounds. Together we'll get to play our part in passing on the good news of Jesus, restoring dignity and changing the community for the better.