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Worshipping Jesus and building community in North Swindon

We're a community of people who love Jesus and want to bring his hope to the community we live in.

And we're going to have some fun while we do it.


Join us at church on Sundays & Wednesdays

Meeting in person

Come along to meet people, sing a few songs, and hear a talk from the Bible.

Online livestreams

If you can't make it in person, you can join us live, or watch back one of our talks later on.

Kids and youth

It wouldn't be right if the adults had all the fun at church - kids and youth come along too.

Meet us in the community on weekdays


Introduce your toddler to other kids, while you enjoy great chats with other parents.

Debt Advice

Get in touch for free advice to get on top of your finances and reach freedom from debt.

What else?

We want to make a difference in our community. Help us out by telling us what to do next.

Explore big questions with Alpha

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. 

We love Alpha and we're aiming to constantly be running sessions, both online and in person.

Watch the promo video and sign up for our next Alpha Course which starts on Wednesday 22nd January at 7:30pm

Find out what we're up to on social media

Connect with us:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube

Sign up for our email updates

You can sign up using the button below to get our updates and be among the first to hear about everything that's going on at The Well.

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